Eontipoff’s Blog

I just found a map for the global climate campaign’s Dec 8th day of action. Many of the actions from around the world are on there, check it out and find one near you!

This Saturday Dec 8th, the Climate Camp pitch at Westminster for the International Day of Action on Climate Change.

On 8th December 2007, the Climate Camp will be pitching the Climate Change message to the Nation from the grassy knoll of Parliament Square.

The 7th great public demonstration on Climate Change will wend its merry way from the seat of the British Government in Westminster to the US Embassy in Grosvenor Square, where a rally will be held, demanding that America join the winning team.

“We just want the US to play ball on Global Warming policy”, said one
camper, “so we’re pitching them a curve this weekend. Don’t play up in Bali –
just play ball !”

To continue with the American sports metaphors, we hope to see you on the home run with us, starting at 12 o’clock noon midday at Victoria Gardens, Milbank, close to the Houses of Parliament, London, England.

Wear sports clothing adorned with appropriate slogans, carry placards with relevant team messages, and put on baseball caps – for a legally binding capping of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Taking part :-
Global Climate Campaign
Campaign against Climate Change
Climate Camp
u4d8 : United for December 8th

You kind of get the impression that a deal on climate is unlikely when violent intimidation using rifles is used to guard a coal fired power plant!

Added: December 02, 2007 Security personnel from PLTU Tanjung Jati B
coal power plant in Jepara, Central Java fired five gunshots and drew knives as
activists from Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior, today climbed the coal
plant´s cooling tower and loading crane hanging banners that read “Coal Kills

Youth Coalition Calls For A Bali Breakthrough
“Our future is in your hands, show true leadership”

BALI, Indonesia – December 3 – Youth from around the world have set an example for their leaders at the Bali climate negotiations this week, reaching out and joining with hundreds of young people from across the globe at the 3rd International Conference of Youth. They were united in calling for real cooperation and strong climate leadership from their governments.

“We have met with young people from across the world,” said 24-year-old Australian spokesperson Amanda McKenzie, “and we all agree – our leaders need to take much stronger action to protect our future.”

“This weekend’s youth conference has shown that the world’s young people are willing and able to cooperate, and we urge our leaders to do the same.” Youth leaders from North America, Australia, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific converged on Bali in an effort to get world leaders to cooperate in protecting their future.

In light of last month’s IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, which presented a dire prediction of climate impacts, these young people – aged from 16 to 26 – have every reason to be concerned about their future.

“Young people have a critical, but underrepresented voice in building the future they must live in. World leaders should follow the lead of young people and act together to secure a livable future for their children.” said Richard Graves, 25, a US youth representative.

Earlier this year, Catherine Gauthier, 18, said before the UN High level meeting on Climate Change in September, “Young people have no vested interests or historical baggage – we just want a safe future.” Youth leaders hope that world leaders heed her call and work towards a mandate for a strong global climate agreement.

The 3rd International Conference of Youth was organised by the Australian Youth Climate Coalition, the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition, SustainUS, and Solar Generation.

For dispatches from the Youth Delegations, visit: www.ItsGettingHotinHere.org
For dispatches from the UN Climate Negotiations, visit Bali Buzz: www.unfcccbali.com
Check out dispatches from the youth climate movement: http://www.itsgettinghotinhere.org/
Please support the U.S. Youth Delegation to the international climate negotiations in Bali:

From HillHeat (Washington, DC)

The Global Climate Campaign intends synchronised demonstrations around the world on Saturday December 8th 2007 – in as many places as possible – to call on world leaders to take urgent action on climate change.

The ‘Call to Action’ for these demonstrations and related events that will take place on December 8th 2007 is as follows :

“We demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that is needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate, so that the entire world can move as rapidly as possible to a stronger emissions reductions treaty which is both equitable and effective in preventing dangerous climate change.

We also demand that the long-industrialised countries that have emitted most greenhouse gases up to now take most of the responsibility for the adaptive measures that have to be taken, especially by low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.”

We feel that there is an overwhelming need to create a groundswell of global opinion to push for the urgent and radical action on climate change, without which we risk a global catastrophe of unimaginable proportions.

In the UK demos are taking place in Belfast, London and Glasgow

The Bali Climate talks may be a historic event…many people are trying to make this so:
  1. The World Business Council on Sustainable Development and International Chamber of Commerce are holding a ‘Business Day‘ to lobby for a new climate deal.
  2. The Global Climate Campaign are coordinating demonstrtions around the world to push the politicians into action.
  3. Greenpeace use the Bali climate talks to highlight the global disaster that is palm oil production.
  4. Groups working together on development and adaptation are getting together to educate the conference attendees on these joint challenges.
  5. SustainUS send a youth delegation to Bali to make the views of the American people clear.
  6. 100 Cyclists cycle from Jakartat to Nusa Dua (Bali) to highlight the ways that people can fight climate change video coverage Oxfam International.



  1. Daily Newsletters + Blogs Live at the Conference.
  2. The leed up to the conference: pre-conference politics, reports and events.

The Bali Climate talks may be a historic event…many people are trying to make this so:
  1. The World Business Council on Sustainable Development and International Chamber of Commerce are holding a ‘Business Day‘ to lobby for a new climate deal.
  2. The Global Climate Campaign are coordinating demonstrtions around the world to push the politicians into action.
  3. Greenpeace use the Bali climate talks to highlight the global disaster that is palm oil production.
  4. Groups working together on development and adaptation are getting together to educate the conference attendees on these joint challenges.
  5. SustainUS send a youth delegation to Bali to make the views of the American people clear.
  6. 100 Cyclists cycle from Jakartat to Nusa Dua (Bali) to highlight the ways that people can fight climate change video coverage Oxfam International.



  1. Daily Newsletters + Blogs Live at the Conference.
  2. The leed up to the conference: pre-conference politics, reports and events.

Great news from the Powershift2007 meeting:

After an intense weekend of talking, discussing, and strategizing about the overwhelming importance of stopping coal – hundreds of youth and community members converged on a Citi bank branch in downtown DC. Taking non-violent direct action, we dumped a half-ton of coal on the doorsteps of Citi, while a delegation of coal-field residents and students went inside the offices to state our concerns over Citi’s investments to their customers and employee’s. Simultaneously, hundreds of youth began coughing violently, with a massive “die-in” surrounding the bank that shut down them down for the rest of the day.

Via itsgettinghotinhere

More on the Rainforest Action Network website

A short documentary about a New Jersey activist who is on an open-ended fast to protest the lack of action by the U.S. government in addressing climate change.

A worthwhile event if you are based in or around washington DC. The only thing that i know about this event is that the UK arent planning to send a minister, let alone the PM. It looks like a bit of a farce. (Via Climate and Capitalism)

Sponsored by: Chesapeake Climate Action Network, U.S. Climate Emergency Council, Oil Change International, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and U.S. Climate Action Network.

In a clearly manipulative move, George Bush is inviting top leaders from around the world to Washington, D.C. on Sept. 27th and 28th to officially convey his “deep concern” about global warming. His proposed fix: more useless “voluntary” measures and huge subsidies for “clean coal” and nuclear energy. The event is clearly meant to undermine real international efforts now underway to achieve mandatory greenhouse gas cuts under the Kyoto process.

Protest this cynical conference on September 28th from noon-1:00 p.m. in Washington DC.

Top ministers and heads of state from around the world will be attending Bush’s conference as well as a great concentration of national and international media. We need to show up and loudly proclaim our own message: George Bush doesn’t speak for us! We want real climate action now!

More Information Here organised by updates on climateemergency.org

et cetera