Eontipoff’s Blog

{November 16, 2007}   CNU: 2007 London Transport Summit (Day 2–Late Afternoon)

The late afternoon on Tuesday finished strong with presentations by Shelley Poticha (President & CEO, Reconnecting America) and Jacky Grimshaw (Vice President for Policy, Centre for Neighbourhood Technology).

Shelley spoke about Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and the current challenges facing this industry and the successes to date. This was viewed perticularly through the lens of reducing carbon emmissions, something that we have to get really serious about. Mode shift, from car to active transport and mass transit.

Shelly recently contributed to New Transit Town which can be bought here.

Jacky Grimshaw then spoke about some work that CNT have been doing in relation to new urbanism and climate change. In particular the link between new urbanism ‘Transects‘ and carbon emissions was very interesting to me, tremendous work, really forward looking. I was not supprised to hear that CNT have been working with US Mayors through ICLEI and also with the clinton global intative on fighting climate change.

Related: More on the conference here, related audio and video, including the talks by Jacky and Shelly will be coming soon.

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