Eontipoff’s Blog

{June 5, 2007}   E-Action: Say no to new coal!

Please take a minute out of your hectic schedule reading green blogs to object to new coal in the UK.

The Standard letter that you can send at the link above reads as follows, note you can add your own personal concerns to leave out certain points. This is just the basic letter.

Dear Sir/Madame,

I would like to register my opposition to proposals from the energy utility EON to build two new coal fired boilers at Kingsnorth in North Kent. I am concerned about the negative contribution this plant will make to our efforts to tackle the threat of climate change, which is now overwhelmingly accepted as the greatest threat facing humankind.I am opposed to the Kingsnorth proposals because:

– If built, the plant will emit around 4.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year – more than the combined amount of the 24 smallest emitting countries – seriously jeopardising our chances of meeting our national carbon reduction targets.

– As the 7th largest emitter of carbon dioxide and the 5th biggest economy in the world, the UK has a responsibility to lead the way in the efforts to tackle climate change. Building new coal fired power stations that are barely more efficient than the old ones at this crucial point will lead the world in entirely the wrong direction.- Approval of this plant would represent a continuation of our outdated, inefficient centralised energy system that allows two thirds of the energy that could be used to be wasted in the form of heat at the power station.

– Approval of this plant will undermine the necessary transition to a decentralised energy system that promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and efficient use of fossil fuels.The simplest, cheapest and most effective way we can meet our energy needs whilst tackling climate change is to reform the way we produce and distribute power. We need an energy system that is decentralised – where heat and electricity is generated close to where it is needed, so that we can capture the heat normally wasted in order to heat our homes and provide hot water.

Yours Sincerely,

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